Nathan Partlan | Elin Carstensdottir | Sam Snodgrass | Erica Kleinman | Gillian Smith | Casper Harteveld | Magy Seif El-Nasr
The following packages contain an automated analysis tool for interactive narratives built in StudyCrafter, presented at AIIDE 2018. Choose the appropriate version of the executable (or just the source code), depending on your operating system. If you download one of the executable files, you may also want to download the source code in order to see how you might extend the project, and to access additional documentation.
On Windows: Drag the "StudyCrafterAssistant" folder to your installation location of choice. Double-click "StudyCrafterAssistant.exe" to run the tool.
On Mac: Drag the "" to your Applications folder. Double-click "" to run the tool.
On Linux: Move the "StudyCrafterAssistant" folder to your installation location of choice. Ensure the "StudyCrafterAssistant" executable has execute permissions, and run it.
On a Windows or Linux build of StudyCrafter, these projects are located inside the "StreamingAssets/NewProjectSystem" folder inside StudyCrafter_Data.
Note: On a Mac build, this folder may be accessed by right-clicking on the "," and selecting "Show Package Contents." Inside the package, the projects are located in the folder: "Contents/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets/NewProjectSystem"
(The following information is only applicable to the "Source" package.)
The link to this library: Json.NET for Unity
You can use Doxygen to build automatic HTML documentation for this project.
To build the documentation for this project, run "doxygen Doxyfile" in the base StudyCrafterAssistant folder.
The documentation will be found in the "Documentation" folder. The start page is "html/index.html"